Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas everyone!!

The storm that arriveed last night kept the heavy rain through the night and lighter through until about 10am, with plenty of rolling thunder. The kids here were so excited they made it to just past 6:30am before the wrap ripping began. The parents were rather one-eyed and groggy but made it through. With the 4 children there was paper everywhere and squeals of excitement. The two little ones brought back memories of what Christmas morning used to be like. Kyle and Thomas knew it would be a smaller version this year as the trip IS the present so they helped the little ones build the lego gifts most of the day and went for a scooter at the park. Little Ali, 5, got a new bike so was also out giving it a go and doing great!

The kids left out oats and carrots for Santa on the trampoline with glitter mixed in so it catches the moonlight - apparently that helps Santa find the house. We were joking that in the rain we could all just eat porrage out on the tramp once the oats were fully soaked.

Christmas festivities here is actaully a late lunch, around 2, rather than a dinner but with the same food. We managed the kids and played most of the morning while finishing preparations for 17 to be eating. Family started arriving around 1pm and the sun had come out by 10 so it was already 28 and sunny. The huge table was set outside on the covered deck and we had another massive feast without having recovered from the feast last night! Just when we thought we couldn't fit another bite the desserts come out too! Oh my, we are going to do a lot of walking this week :) The prep and tidy is a family affair and with tiny kitchens the dishwasher and dishwashing just keep on going. The rain returned about 4pm, sometimes in torrents and hail, followed by hours of cracking thunder and lightening. Four hours later it is clearing up again. Lovely to have all the windows and doors open during the rain to cool to the house a bit.

We got our hosts all Vancouver 2010 Olympic hoodies and red mittens from HBC, and fortunately all the sizes worked out :) Tomorrow we are heading for shopping to find fun things for neices and nephews to bring home. The kids are all tired and heading to bed as we tidy the living room floor for the 10th time, along with recycling and garbage. We are sitting looking at each other and realizing we made it through another year!

Ali, Henri and Lucy

Henri tried on his Olympic gear

building all the Lego

Christmas table on the deck

Wonderful to have spent it here with great friends and enjoy some different weather and traditions. We are all conspiring to get the Haycox family to Canada and enjoy a white Christmas very soon. Sending out our love to everyone and wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

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