Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Secret Santa Surprise

Caught a small gecko/lizard in the kitchen last night, about 2 inches long and let him outside. Jeff played Mario Andretti one last time in the golf cart while driving to return movies and access WiFi on the way to the airport - driving over curbs, up on grass and attempting 2-wheel corners. The kids were cheering and squealing with joy and I was waiting to be escorted directly to our flight off the island!

We boarded our 6th flight this vacation, a 3-hour jaunt south to Melbourne and the long-time friends we were so excited to see. Just when we thought all was going well, it was like someone turned on the dry-ice machine in the plane! Wait a minute, is this some Steven Speilberg way of introducing a horror flick we are playing a role in?? Actually, no, it was the air conditioning. The air the plane was so warm it made the air conditioning from the walls and ceiling vents look just like loads of dry ice mist. You don't see that very often! Not having to be delayed for de-icing is another great part of traveling down here.

This was the day that Jeff has waited nearly 5.5 years for. You see he and his buddy Mark have a surprise game going on. The first was Jeff showing up unannounced at Mark's apartment in Austria about 15 years ago during a slight break in the Skeleton schedule. Jeff had found out his address from his mom and Mark just about fell over. Then Mark came to the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City and we all hid him until the finish line of Jeff's final run when Mark was down at the rail and Jeff was equally shocked and touched to see his friend. Mark's wife Lucy has been helping us plan this surprise since February and keeping the secret very well!

Mark's friends were taking to the pub after work to celebrate the beginning of Christmas holidays and we went straight from the airport there. Jeff had ordered a Santa suit to wear, along with sunglasses for complete disguise. He walked in the pub and went to the table of Mark and all his colleagues and said a few things. Mark thought this bloke had a Canadian accent but didn't figure much out, until Jeff removed the disguise and Mark literally sat with his mouth hanging open in complete shock. We have it on video and I will do my best to upload somehow - hilarious! The plan came together perfectly. Mark took about 5 minutes to really form a sentence and have it all sink in.

Lucy, the boys and I went to settle in to the house and left the men to enjoy the evening. They managed their way back home around 11pm and showed us the video taken my Mark's friend. What a great night! We are being hosted here at Mark and Lucy's home until the 1st. Their children, Ali (5) and Henri (3), have vacated their room for our family and are sleeping in the study. We had never met each other's children in person so that was fun.

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