Monday, January 2, 2012

Celebrating 2011 with Friends

Today was laundry and packing day. As like most things in Australia, the laundry is similar to Europe by hanging things outside after washing. They had a dryer to finish items off but it is not the fast turn around we are used to so more planning is involved. We got everything sorted and ready for departure the next day and headed to the park.

The boys have become huge cricket fans and love to play every time they get the chance. Kyle seems to love bowling and Thomas like being batsman or wicket keeper. Funny in Canada we see so many soccer balls and baseballs at parks but here is all cricket all the time. The sun was out again and after an hour it got very hot so back home for lunch.

Afternoon was spent at local outdoor pool complex that make Calgary's look like the slums. 4 huge pools all of varying depth (the 2 kids pools are covered for shade) including a huge dive pool with platforms and boards. A great way to keep cool in the growing heat but still enjoy it.

Mark and Lucy took their children, Ali and Henri, to Mark's mom's place to spend the night and we all went home to shower and rest for a bit before the big night. Jeff's gang down here always does something for New Year's and this was no different. 16 pple all at a lawn bowling club they rented on the beach in Brighton. With one member a chef, there is no question about the food quality or quantity. We spent a lovely evening visiting and enjoying candle light (turning too many lights on attracts all the bugs) and great conversation. We each took a turn sharing our highlights from 2011 which was a nice for me to get to know everyone a little better. Much to my disappointment, we missed the countdown for various reasons so I gathered everyone up and we did an official countdown at 5 minutes after! They all put on their best Canadian accents for me too. Getting home and to bed by 1:30am was not too bad, except for having to get up at 4:40am to catch our flights on the 1st!   The boys had been at the house with a sitter and were in bed early so they were fine.

Kyle, Henri, Ali and Thomas 

Mark, me and Jeff

didn't think we would rent the place and not actually try the sport, did you?  We had a few great games before dinner

gorgeous view of the end of 2011 from Brighton Beach

Mark and Jeff
Lucy, Mark, Jeff and me

Note for Jenn - felt markers, crayons, etc., are called 'texters' and coloring is called 'texting'. Took me all week to figure out what Lucy was talking about to the kids. No idea what they call that thing we do on our phones (SMS)?! Happy New Year everyone!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Did you use that Nanny Agency? Colouring is texting? What is texting then???