Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Left Brain or Right?

I had the amazing opportunity to listen to some of my Podcasts while driving a few weeks ago. Amazing because with two boys having focused time to listen to anything from adults, for adults is precious to say the least!

I was listening to a 4 part interview between Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor and Oprah from the Oprah Spirit channel. You may have heard of or seen Dr. Taylor on the Internet as her powerful and insightful speech at this years TED talks has been flying around desktops like the most positive virus to hit our consciousness. Dr. Taylor is a Neuroanatomist (Brain Scientist) who had a massive stroke in her left brain, was conscious through the entire event, and then lived to share her experience after a full recovery 8 years later. Her book is called "My Stroke of Insight" and is a quick read I also recommend.

So why am I writing about this? Well, there is some really powerful knowledge that only Dr. Taylor can share given her prior education around the brain and then being privy to such an event going on in her brain that I think we can really learn from.

The left brain we all know and love. It is our language center, our ego, numbers, time/space continuum, judgements, linear processor (serial), motor skills, task and list lover and so on. Our world trains the left brain and rewards the left brain every where we go. This is the part of our brains that has us be separate from each other, all different and distinct entities.

The right brain some of us know and others have not visited in so long there needs to be a good dusting going on. This is the big picture part of us, creative, connection to all things, dreams, parallel processor, this present moment, learns kinisthetically, thinks in pictures, takes in information through the senses and sees us as whole and complete.

Which side do you live in most? What have you made up about the other side? What do you make up about others who live more in one side than the other?

I think I was predominantly a right brain person. I also think that did not work well in the environment I grew up in and have developed many parts of my left brain because of that. When I was listening to the 4 interviews I noticed I felt a real sadness at how much I left my right brain behind and allowed my 'always mach 1 speed' left brain to run the show. Being a mother of two boys, a wife, entrepreneur and all those other hats that I see live in my left brain keep me very busy you know! Doing what and what for I am now asking? I think I have made that endless list of tasks far more important than they need to be and in doing so have stopped honouring that hugely creative part of me. Yes, there are certain things I would like done so my day and my family's day runs well. But I seem to have lots that sense of balance in myself.

So what of my ego? After I finished listening I noticed my ego everywhere. Like a water leak, it was seeping into my every thought and even trying to have me think it had faded into the wallpaper, but was totally necessary there. Caught cha'! There it is again! How much of your stress and busy life is in keeping up with your own ego? Are you willing to look?

I know that the piano I want to play that sits behind me will be used more from now on. I am already being more conscious around all my relationships to be in the present moment with a childlike curiousity. I am also resigning from some volunteer posts I have held to not be spread so thin and have time to 'sit and smell the roses'.

Now, I don't agree with everything Dr. Taylor has to say. I do think her perspective is fascinating and worth a listen. Why not start now? Close your eyes, take a deep breath and quiet the chatter of the left side. What is available to you here?

Here is the link for the video of her speech and the interview series. Let me know what you think!

Aly Pain, CPCC
InnerPiece Life & Relationship Coaching
403-246-2399 aly@alypain.com www.alypain.com

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